The ZAMWI Board of Trustees
is pleased to announce the outstanding
Banoo & Daraius Mobedjina Impact Fellows Scholarship Winners 2024 – 2025
and their proposed projects:
Siavash Mandegari
“Yazd Zoroastrian Cultural and Heritage Resort Project”
Anita Shahriary
“Volunteering with Project CURE Chicago and Engaging in Community Outreach”
Selected among outstanding applicants competing from across the globe, the impact fellows will connect the knowledge and skills they are developing in their educational journey to their Zoroastrian values by designing and implementing their projects to impact communities and their own development as a whole individual.
Both recipients were awarded a $4000 scholarship made possible by the Banoo & Daraius Mobedjina Endowment Fund.
The ZAMWI Board of Trustees thanks the Mobedjina Impact Fellows Scholarship Committee, Kersy Dastur, MBA, Jamshid Goshtasbi, Ph.D. and Anne Khademian, Ph.D.